Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Coffee, please step away until I get it

There is nothing like starting your day 10 minutes before the alarm goes off to dog poo and pee on the bedroom floor. Yep, the aroma of poo jolts me out of bed much faster than any alarm. I picked it up with tissue and put it in the toilet. Guess what happens then - yep the toilet gets clogged and starts to over flow. No problem, 6am and mopping the bathroom floor with bleach. This is better than any way to wake up. Take Libby outside and some animal got into the trash and there are pieces of chicken carcass all over the porch. Not to mention, Holly got into the same carcass the night before. This was probably a coyote or something. So, I turn the coffee pot on and go upstairs while anxiously awaiting that first cup of coffee. It's the only thing that makes it worth waking up. Yes, in case I haven't mentioned it - I am addicted to coffee. Grant woke up which is fine - he had been asleep since 8 last night. 20 minutes later I came downstairs to get my coffee and low and behold, Libby peed on the kitchen floor. I decided she needed to stay outside for awhile. I finally get that first cup of coffee after I feed Grant his oatmeal. He was crawling on the floor stalking me as I was going to get the coffee because he wanted to be held. All of this before 6:45 am.

This afternoon went pretty well. The kids napped and i ran 3 miles on the treadmill which helped me. The frustrating part is typically when I am making dinner and cleaning up. It was a very loud dinner. 1 or all of the kids were crying at various times during the dinner. Kara is wearing Dora the Explorer undies around the house. She had a wedgie and I tried to fix them and she screams NO and gave herself a wedgie. It is hilarious seeing her run around with her underwear in her crack and her chubby butt cheeks as she walks around. I think she will wear thongs when she gets older.

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