Jack had his first sleepover and we decided to have Alex & Cameron come up and stay. We had a blast!! Mr Uncle (as Cameron called Karee) took the 3 boys and Kara to see A Christmas Carol in 3d. He said they were really good at the movies. I baked gingerbread cookies while they were at the movie and let the kids decorate them when they got back. They had a lot of fun doing that! We had pizza then the kids just played. Cameron did get upset around 9:15 and wanted his mom & dad but I think he was just tired. We turned a movie on and all 3 boys laid on the living room floor in sleeping bags where they fell asleep.

This morning we had chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. Let the kids play for awhile now Mr Uncle is taking them to the airforce museum.
Jack was over the top excited! He doesn't get to see Alex & Cameron too often so it was nice for the 3 of them to play and spend time together!
yay!! I am so glad that everyone had a great time!