Christmas is a time for cheer, time for good will, time for family and time for INSANITY!! Jack was so out of control! With "spirited" kids such as he, any change in normal routine causes chaos. He certainly proved that point this Christmas. Overall, it was nice. We didn't have too much running around to do. Went to mom & dad's on Christmas day where we had lots of good food and spent the night. The kids got so much stuff my toy room is out of control! It is nice to not have to take Jack to preschool in the mornings though. I do enjoy the break but honestly, its so much work to get the kids up, fed, dressed by 8:30am daily.
Jack got about everything he asked Santa for. His favorite gift was the Crayola glow station. It is really cool! He enjoyed writing a thank you note to put with Santa's milk & cookies.
As we approach Kara's 2nd birthday, her personality is really starting to shine. She told me today that she was funny and she got a kick out of that.
Grant is just an angel and tends to go with the flow...whatever that may be at the time! His top tooth finally broke through the gum and the other will be right behind it shortly!