Saturday, April 3, 2010
Ah, spring
I love spring. Everything is new and coming back to life. Our spirits are lifted and a new smell is in the air. I especially love living in the country. No neighbors, no cars, Libby & Fred bringing dead rodents to the porch..
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
It's finally gone!
My cast came off today and I couldn't be happier. It is so much easier to type, cook, change diapers, shower, etc. I am a tad stiff but the dr is putting me on a 2 week course of steroids and told me to keep using it and I should be good in a few weeks.
We have a stomach virus going on around here with the kids. It started with Kara on Tuesday & now the boys have it. We have cancelled all plans this weekend to let them recoup. It is supposed to be a warm weekend so the fact that we have no plans is a welcomed surprise. Hopefully, they will feel good enough to go out and play tomorrow.
We had our first fire of the season last night. We grilled outside and then had smores. It was a lot of f and we finally had a chance to burn our Christmas tree.
We have a stomach virus going on around here with the kids. It started with Kara on Tuesday & now the boys have it. We have cancelled all plans this weekend to let them recoup. It is supposed to be a warm weekend so the fact that we have no plans is a welcomed surprise. Hopefully, they will feel good enough to go out and play tomorrow.
We had our first fire of the season last night. We grilled outside and then had smores. It was a lot of f and we finally had a chance to burn our Christmas tree.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Hand, Head, Knees & Toes
It has been a little while since I have had the chance to write. About 10 days ago, Libby decided to turn homicidal. Her plan did backfire and she only managed to cause a minor concussion and broken thumb/damaged ligaments by pushing me down the stairs. That was a nightmare but didn't seem to set me too far back in my training for the 5K Adam & I are running in May. I am not up to running about 4.5 miles on average (although yesterday I was just shy of 5 miles) and down 10 lbs. I have a goal for myself with the running and I am determined to meet those goals! I would like to try running a half marathon with Paul in November in Indianapolis.
Jack is doing EXCELLENT on his medications. He is really a different child. And, just as everyone told me, it feels like it was the best decision for us. He has expressed interest in earning his own money so he has 4 chores a day which he gets a sticker on a chart. At the end of the week, we will pay up. He has the ability to earn a dollar a day. I think for a 4 year old this is reasonable. He also wants a wallet to put his money in. I am giving him 1 for Valentines Day. He has been off school all week but goes back today. Just in time for his Valentines Day party. I made chocolate caramel covered pretzel rods with bits of toffee on the end for the students and teachers. He is also giving out Toy story cards with a sucker.
Grant took 2 unassisted steps the other day! He was very proud and its just a matter of time before he is off and walking for good. He is also magically sleeping better. He is sleeping 8 hours straight, waking for a bottle then back to bed for 4 or 5 more hours. I am limiting his nap time and think this is helping the sleeping situation.
Jack is doing EXCELLENT on his medications. He is really a different child. And, just as everyone told me, it feels like it was the best decision for us. He has expressed interest in earning his own money so he has 4 chores a day which he gets a sticker on a chart. At the end of the week, we will pay up. He has the ability to earn a dollar a day. I think for a 4 year old this is reasonable. He also wants a wallet to put his money in. I am giving him 1 for Valentines Day. He has been off school all week but goes back today. Just in time for his Valentines Day party. I made chocolate caramel covered pretzel rods with bits of toffee on the end for the students and teachers. He is also giving out Toy story cards with a sucker.
Grant took 2 unassisted steps the other day! He was very proud and its just a matter of time before he is off and walking for good. He is also magically sleeping better. He is sleeping 8 hours straight, waking for a bottle then back to bed for 4 or 5 more hours. I am limiting his nap time and think this is helping the sleeping situation.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Well Jack was officially diagnosed with ADHD. He started on medication on Wednesday. There has been no significant change but it is only a half dose while his body gets used to it. The first 2 days I had to crush half of a blue tablet and mix it with yogurt or applesauce. He did not like the blue color in his food. I was prepared to mix it in sugar free chocolate pudding but Karee decided to teach him to swallow pills. We bought a big bag of m&m's and told him he could have all the candy he wants if he didn't chew them. He got the hang of it pretty quickly. He even was able to start swallowing them without water. The next morning, he was so proud to be able to swallow his pill. That certainly takes the stress away from "is he eating it all?" "is Kara getting some of the food the pill is in?"
Grant is starting to stand on his own without holding onto anything. I am amazed every day how young he is to be doing this stuff. We saw a different pediatrician in the practice the other day and she feels Grant will be walking very soon.
Kara is doing pretty well these days. She isn't quite as mean to Grant as she used to be and is starting to share. She is speaking in sentences now and is starting to be just as funny as her big brother. Grant was crying and she told us that Grant was "crying in his mouth".
Grant is starting to stand on his own without holding onto anything. I am amazed every day how young he is to be doing this stuff. We saw a different pediatrician in the practice the other day and she feels Grant will be walking very soon.
Kara is doing pretty well these days. She isn't quite as mean to Grant as she used to be and is starting to share. She is speaking in sentences now and is starting to be just as funny as her big brother. Grant was crying and she told us that Grant was "crying in his mouth".
Sunday, January 24, 2010
First wedding

Last night was our first time attending a wedding together. Within the next 6 months, we have 2 more coming up also. This wedding was for Karee's cousin, Kimmy, and her fiance Jacob. It was a beautiful wedding. Kimmy was stunning. The ceremony was 1 1/2 hours. The kids did pretty well. Karee did take Kara out to the cry area because her speaking voice is 1 volume level. At the reception, Kara had fun dancing. She danced almost the entire night. Grant enjoyed being around all of the people and getting passed around. The wedding started at 1:30pm and we got home a tad after 11pm. Jack was not with us last night though that was the only problem. We felt incomplete without our big bubbs. There were enough kids and family members to entertain our kids that Karee and I got a chance to drink and dance together. It was ALMOST like a nightout without the kids (which this Valentines day marks 1 year of our last time out without kids) but not quite. The kids did not nap and Grant did sleep through the night! Hallelujah for small miracles!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Update on the boys
My baby is 9 months old. He weighs 20lbs 12oz and 29 inches long. He is crusing along the furniture & the dr is predicting he will be trying to take his first steps very soon. He can stand alone for a few seconds at a time without holding onto furniture. He is so sweet and laid back. He is growing so fast and has 4 teeth with 2 just getting ready to pop through the gum.
I also had a consultation on Jack. He has always been an energetic boy. The older he gets, the harder it is to control him. He gets so defiant or angry and it takes hours to get through to him. I have tried so many ways to try to get through to him including changing his diet and adding in various vitamins. We are in the beginning stages of diagnosing with ADD or ADHD. I am filling out papers for the pediatrican. Also being referred to a developmental specialist (although it will take months to get in) and a behaviorist. I am struggling just because it is beyond my control. The pediatrician alone may be able to prescribe medication if it is needed. I want to set him up for success and he's so funny and sweet..i want others to see those qualities in him as well. Not a wild boy who won't listen when he gets super excited. I am sure I will be blogging about this as it is a major part of my life at the moment.

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